This conventional Warranty of SYNERION. (“Rosslare”) extends to purchased products by the original purchaser of the Rosslare product (“Customer(s)”) and is not transferable.
Warranty Period
The warranty is effective from the date of shipment of the purchased products to the Customer, and shall be for a period as published on for the relevant Rosslare products.
Rosslare reserves the right to modify the terms of this warranty at any time and without prior notice, by publishing the new conditions on its website and/or in its catalogues. Any amendments to the warranty shall be valid for purchases of Products shipped following the date of the amendment.
Product Covered by This Warranty
Rosslare warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship in the course of normal use and service during the warranty period. A « defective » product means that the product has a material or workmanship defect that causes the product not to function according to the technical specifications provided by Rosslare.
Items Not Covered by Warranty
the following situations shall not be covered by this warranty:
Exclusive Warranty Remedy
Rosslare obligations under the Warranty shall be limited, at its sole discretion, to refund or to repair or provide a replacement product for that under normal conditions of use and service proves to be defective in material or workmanship, within a reasonable time. Repairs or replacements do not extend or renew the applicable Warranty Period,. Rosslare may replace one or more defective Products covered by the Warranty with products that have minor differences in design and/or specifications that do not affect the functionality of the product. No charge will be applied for labor or parts with respect to defects covered by this warranty, provided that the work is done by Rosslare or a Rosslare authorized service center, and provided that the product is returned in accordance with the terms of this warranty. If the product is no longer in production or is no longer available for any other reason, Rosslare may propose, at its sole discretion, an alternative or equivalent product.
Warranty Return Policy
Return Material Authorization (RMA)
Rosslare seeks to minimize costs for all parties involved in handling and disposition of matters related to Rosslare products with actual or suspected nonconformances, which are embodied in one or both of the following:
(i) Faults and/or defects in Components.
(ii) Faults and/or defects in Workmanship.
To exercise this warranty, the Customer must contact Rosslare to obtain an RMA number.
Returns for Repair
Any product returned by the Customer for repair must be returned in compliance with the following procedure:
Note: For any product unit(s) found to be free from defect during evaluation, a US$50 per unit fee will be charged for labor performed in the evaluation. This fee applies for any product unit that is or is not under warranty coverage.
Warranty Exclusions
ROSSLARE shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss resulting from the operation or performance of:
Rosslare does not warrant the installation, maintenance, or service of the product. Service life of the product is dependent upon the care it receives and the conditions under which it has to operate.
Limited Warranty
THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH THE FULL EXTENT OF ROSSLARE’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITY. Repair or replacement or refund of the original purchase price is the exclusive remedy. This warranty is provided in lieu of all other express or implied warranties. All other warranties express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are specifically excluded. In no event shall Rosslare be liable for damages in excess of the purchase price of the product, for any loss of use, loss of time, inconvenience, commercial loss, lost profits, or other incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the installation, use, or inability to use such product, purchase, resale, use or disposal of any Product, in case of claims referring either to unlawful acts, strict liability, principles of fairness or contract, to the fullest extent that any such loss or damage may be disclaimed by law.
The following products where declared EOL (End-of-life) and there will be no further production: